I Love Data  

I Love Data

As I reflect on the month of February 2025, I can summarize my work in three words, I love data! It is essential that the Teaching and Learning Department utilizes data to plan, implement, and evaluate the work that we do for school districts. Throughout the month, I was involved in data collection, presenting information on data processes, and attending professional learning to expand my knowledge and skills.

Amy Walters, the T&L Lead Contacts, and I have completed 27 out of 33 ESU 10 school visits. We will complete all 33 visits by March 13, 2025. During these visits, we are learning about each districts’ continuous improvement goals and district priorities for the 2025-2026 school year. This information is already assisting us in designing regional professional learning workshops and support.

We also hosted our annual For the Love of Data Conference on February 5, 2025. We had over 90 participants from central Nebraska school districts attend the conference. The majority of our T&L team either facilitated sessions or assisted with organizing the day. At the conference, I facilitated two sessions on data literacy. In my session, Unlocking Insights: Data Protocols for Continuous Improvement/MTSS, participants gained an awareness of data analysis protocols with ideas on how to implement the protocols into their classrooms, school, and district. I also presented a session entitled, Maximizing MAP Growth Reports: Tools and Strategies for Instructional Impact. During the session, participants reviewed the key components of MAP reports and learned tools to analyze their data to inform instruction in the classroom.

At our February 24th department meeting, we began looking at the completed school visit data. We were able to discuss some initial themes and finalized our summer workshop offerings. We will continue 2025-2026 planning during our March 21st and April 27th meetings.

I also had the opportunity to build additional knowledge and skills in data literacy this month. I participated in an NWEA Certified Facilitator training: Triangulating Data for Instructional Insights. On February 28, I attended the NACIA, Nebraska Association of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Directors, winter meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska. At the meeting, we heard legislative updates and modifications to the AQuESTT Accountability system. I always appreciate hearing about pressing issues in districts all across the state. As you can see, February was a month full of data, and I loved it!

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