Board of Directors  

Marilyn Bohn, President
Marilyn Bohn, President

District 5

Esther Rickert, VP
Esther Rickert, VP

District 2

Karen Harmoney, Secretary
Karen Harmoney, Secretary

District 9

Dale Naprstek
Dale Naprstek

District 1

Kay Grimminger
Kay Grimminger

District 3

Mary Stoltenberg
Mary Stoltenberg

District 4

Dr. Mark Reid
Dr. Mark Reid

District 6

Ron Tuttle
Ron Tuttle

District 7

Teresa Osborn
Teresa Osborn

District 8

Board Portal (Sign-in Required)

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, March 17, 2025, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Action taken was as follows: approved the absence of board members Mary Stoltenberg and Esther Rickert (who subsequently arrived to the meeting); approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated March 17, 2025; accepted treasurer’s report dated March 12, 2025; approved the resignations of Taylor Winners, Speech Language Pathologist, effective at the end of her contract year, Candice Meier, SPED Office Associate, effective March 31, 2025, and Carter Blauvelt, School Psychologist, effective at the end of his contract year; approved the hiring of Shanna Gannon, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, 1.0 FTE, effective July 1, 2025, Taylor Shepard, Teaching and Learning Coordinator, 1.0 FTE, effective July 1, 2025, Aden Reed, Network Specialist, effective March 10, 2025, Shelby Sommer, Occupational Therapist (moving from 0.2 FTE to 0.8 FTE), effective July 1, 2025, Alexis Christian, Physical Therapist, 1.0 FTE, effective July 1, 2025, McKayla Bacon, School Psychologist Intern, 1.0 FTE, effective August 5, 2025, and Chantel Silva, Social Emotional Behavioral Learning Coach, 1.0 FTE, effective August 5, 2025; approved the special education contracts as presented for the 2024-2025 and the 20256-21026 school years; approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the ESUCCC for the Regional Literacy Coach; approved the Wilkins change order as presented and giving Dr. Wheelock the authority to approve change orders between meeting dates; entered into executive session to discuss work agreement negotiations as a strategy session and for the protection of the public interest at 4:17 PM; exited the executive session at 4:30 PM; approved the 2025-2026 classified compensation benefit packages; approved the administrator’s annual evaluation; entered into executive session to discuss work agreement negotiations as a strategy session and for the protection of the public interest at 4:35 PM; exited the executive session at 4:49 PM; approved the amendment to the Administrator’s contract beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2026.  kch/3/18/25

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, February 17, 2025, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Action taken was as follows: approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated February 17, 2025; accepted treasurer’s report dated February 11, 2025; approved the special education contracts as presented; approved the resignations of Kelly Simmons, T&L Coordinator, effective at the end of her 2024-2025 contract, Annastashia Teepe, School Psychologist, effective at the end of her 2024-2025 contract, and Nathaniel Pearson, Network Administrator, effective March 7, 2025; approved the 2025-2026 Negotiated Master Contract; approved the hiring of Claudine Kennicutt, Regional Literacy Coach, effective February 10, 2025 and Christian Vera, School Psychologist Intern, effective August 5, 2025; and approved the contract with Duncan Theis Construction for Phase I of the building renovation pending legal counsel approval of the contract as written and giving Dr. Melissa Wheelock authority to sign upon attorney approval. kch/2/19/25

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Teresa Osborn was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated January 20, 2025; accepted treasurer’s report dated January 15, 2025; re-elected the same slate of officers as 2024 (Marilyn Bohn – President, Esther Rickert – Vice President, and Karen Harmoney – Secretary); re-appointed Kayla Herrick to serve as board treasurer for 2025; updated the board standing committee memberships for 2025; approved designation of depositories for 2025; maintained the same signers on appropriate ESU 10 bank accounts for 2025 since the board officers remained the same; approved the designation of KSB School Law Firm as ESU 10’s legal counsel; approved the current board policies; designated the Grand Island Independent and Kearney Hub as newspapers of record; approved the special education contracts as presented; approved the audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; approved the final reading of revisions to board policy Article 2, Section 6, Notice to public. kch/1/21/25

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present were Kay Grimminger, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, and Ron Tuttle. Board members Marilyn Bohn, Karen Harmoney, and Mary Stoltenberg were absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board members; approved minutes of the previous meeting; authorized payment of claims as submitted; accepted the treasurer’s report, as submitted; approved the Special Education contract with Amherst Public Schools; approved the contract with Rooted In Relationships, as presented; approved the final reading of amendments to Article 3, Service Operation, F. Internal Controls; approved the purchase of a new 10 Ton RTU HVAC replacement with Rutt’s Heating for $20,420; entered into executive session for agenda item 6, to discuss contract negotiations as a strategy session and for the protection of the public interest; did not approve the 2025-2026 Negotiated Master Contract; approved the hiring of Holly (Schurman) Anderson, Early Learning Connection Coach Consultant, 1.0 FTE, effective January 6, 2025; entered into executive session for agenda item 8, to discuss a personnel matter for the following reason, protection of the public interest and prevention of needless injury to an individual’s reputation in compliance with the law. kch/12/17/24


The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, November 18, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present were Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Teresa Osborn was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; authorized payment of claims as submitted; accepted November 13, 2024, treasurer’s report; approved the 2025-2026 ESU 10 Calendar; approve the first reading of amendments to Article 3, Service Operation, F. Internal Controls; entered into executive session for agenda item 5, to discuss contract negotiations and collective bargaining, and to receive legal advice, all of which is necessary to protect the public interest and maintain attorney-client privilege; recognized ESU 10 Education Association as the bargaining agent for the 2026-2027 contract year; entered into executive session to discuss a personnel matter for the following reason, protection of the public interest and prevention of needless injury to an individual’s reputation in compliance with the law. kch/11/19/24


The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present were Marilyn Bohn, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Kay Grimminger was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; authorized payment of claims as submitted; accepted October 16, 2024, treasurer’s report; approved the annual accreditation compliance report; approved the contract with Wilkins for office renovations/addition; approved the hiring of Jennie Nickel, 1.0 FTE SixPence Coach, effective October 23, 2024; accepted the resignation of Amy Sjoholm, Early Learning Connection Coach Consultant, effective December 31, 2024; entered into executive session for agenda items 6 and 7, to discuss contract negotiations and collective bargaining, and to receive legal advice on both items, all of which is necessary to protect the public interest and maintain attorney-client privilege.  kch/10/22/24.


The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present were Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Marilyn Bohn was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member Marilyn Bohn; approved minutes of the previous meeting; ratified payment of claims made on June 28, 2024; ratified payment of claims made on July 15, 2024; approved payment of claims dated August 19, 2024; accepted treasurer’s reports dated June 30, 2024, July 12, 2024, and August 14, 2024; moved to accept any and all federal funds as may become available during the 2024-25 fiscal year provided acceptance of such funds and subsequent expenditure of such funds does not exceed the 2024-25 budget limitations as adopted; moved to maintain membership in the Nebraska Rural Community School Association for 2024-25; moved to increase the budgeted restricted funds by 1%; approved the 2024-2025 special education services contracts with Broken Bow Public School and Elm Creek Public School; approved the resignation of Lyndi Miller, EDN Services Coordinator, effective July 12, 2024; approved LB 287 Contracts with Elpidia Novoa, Early Childhood Bilingual Trainer, and Stephanie Novoa, Early Childhood Zoom Assistant; waived the two-reading policy for policy amendments and approve the amendments to board policies as presented; approved an amendment to Ashley Schroeder’s contract from a .5 FTE to .8 FTE, effective September 1, 2024; approved an amendment to Libbie Puncochar’s contract from 215 day contract to a 261 day contract, including .4 FTE Sixpence Coordinator, effective September 1, 2024; and approved the contract with Communicate & Connect Therapy LLC as presented. kch/08/20/2024

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg and Ron Tuttle. Board member Teresa Osborn was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated June 17, 2024; accepted treasurer’s report dated June 11, 2024; advanced the 2024-2025 budget to the required formal budget hearings; set Monday, September 16, 2024, at 3:30 PM in Conference Room C of the ESU 10 headquarters at 76 Plaza Boulevard in Kearney, Nebraska, as the date, time, and place to hold a public hearing to discuss the 2024-2025 general budget; set Monday, September 16, 2024, at 3:35 PM in Conference Room C of the ESU 10 headquarters at 76 Plaza Boulevard in Kearney, Nebraska, as the date, time, and place to hold a public hearing to discuss a resolution to set a tax request different from the prior year; maintained the same ESU 10 Room Rental Pricing Structure as 2023-24; reappointed Kayla Herrick to serve as board treasurer effective July 1, 2024; approved the final reading of board policy amendments as presented; approved the classified and certified handbooks; approved the lease agreement with Broken Bow Public Schools for office space; approved the special education contracts as presented for O&M services; approved the LB 287 contracts as presented; accepted the letter of engagement for the financial audit for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, 2025, and 2026, from Dana F Cole; approved the contract for internet transport with Spectrum; approved the service agreement from Securesky Cybersecurity service and hardware purchases; approved the PowerSchool contract, as presented; approved the contract with RAS Technology Consultants for PCSB membership subscriptions; approved the contract with OverDrive.  kch/6/18/24

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Mary Stoltenberg and Ron Tuttle. Board member Esther Rickert was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated May 20, 2024; accepted treasurer’s report dated May 15, 2024; approved the hiring of Crystal VanWinkle, 1.0 FTE Licensed Mental Health Practitioner, effective August 5, 2024, approved the 2024-2025 special education contract as presented; approved 2024-2025 ESU 10 Program of Services; approved revisions to the ESU 10 staff evaluation process as presented; approved the 2024-2025 Master Service Agreement with ESUCC; approved the Laserfiche migration proposal from ESU 3 as presented; approved the final reading of board policy amendments as presented at the board meeting;   kch/5/21/2

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, April 15, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Mark Reid, and Esther Rickert. Board members Teresa Osborn, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle were absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board members; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated April 15, 2024; accepted treasurer’s report dated April 10, 2024; approved the resignations of Megan Dahlke, LMHP, effective at the end of the contract year, Kaylee Harris, Early Childhood Office Associate, effective May 9, 2024, Macey Kohls, School Psychologist, effective at the end of the contract year, Jade Valasek, SLPA, effective at the end of the contract year, approved the 2024-2025 special education contracts as presented; approved the first reading of board policy amendments as presented at the board meeting; approved the purchase of a server and hard driver as presented at the board meeting; entered into executive session as a strategy session to discuss contract negotiations for the protection of the public interest; exited executive session; approved the amendment to the Administrator’s contract. kch/4/16/24

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, March 18, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Mary Stoltenberg was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated March 18, 2024; accepted treasurer’s report dated March 13, 2024; approved the resignations of Cynthia Long, Speech Language Pathologist, effective at the end of her contract year, and Roni Boeser, Occupational Therapist, effective at the end of her contract year; approved the hiring of Madison Robinson, Physical Therapist 1.0 FTE, effective July 1, 2024, Jade Valasek, Speech Language Pathologist, 1.0 FTE, effective August 6, 2024, Katherine Kleine, Speech Language Pathologist, 1.0 FTE, effective August 5, 2024 ,Stacy Stohs, Speech Language Pathologist, 1.0 FTE, effective August 5, 2024, Taylor Winners, Speech Language Pathologist, 1.0 FTE, effective August 5, 2024 , and Jami Dutcher, Occupational Therapist, 1.0 FTE, effective July 1, 2024, approved the 2024-2025 special education contracts as presented; approved surplus furniture for disposal; approved the contract amendment for Veronica Novoa, Early Development Network Services Coordinator, from 0.80 FTE to 0.90 FTE, effective March 11, 2024; entered into executive session as a strategy session to discuss contract negotiations for the protection of the public interest; exited executive session; approved the 2024-2025 classified compensation benefit packages. kch/3/19/24

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, February 19, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, and Mark Reid. Board members Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle were absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board members; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated February 19, 2024; accepted treasurer’s report dated February 15, 2024; approved the 2024-2025 special education contracts as presented; accepted the resignations of Emily Elgert, Speech Language Pathologist, effective the end of her 2023-2024 contract year, and Rance Hall, Helpdesk Support Specialist, effective February 29, 2024; approved the updated Travel and Expense Guide; entered into executive session to discuss contract negotiations as a strategy session and for the protection of the public interest; approved the 2024-2025 Negotiated Master Contract; approved the renewal of the Nebraska Association of School Boards membership; approved providing Orientation and Mobility Services to ESU 10 school districts; approved the amendment to Karrie Schoenfeld’s LMHP contract from 0.75 FTE to 0.80 FTE starting January 22, 2024; and approved the hiring of Nickthanel Hall, NIS Systems Administrator, effective March 4, 2024, Aden Reed, NIS Helpdesk Support Specialist, effective February 13, 2024, and Lisa Cool, School Psychologist, effective August 5, 2024. kch/2/20/24

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, January 15, 2024, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Teresa Osborn was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated January 15, 2024; accepted treasurer’s report dated January 10, 2024; re-elected the same slate of officers as 2023 (Marilyn Bohn – President, Esther Rickert – Vice President, and Karen Harmoney – Secretary); re-appointed Kayla Herrick to serve as board treasurer for 2024; updated the board standing committee memberships for 2024; approved designation of depositories for 2024; maintained the same signers on appropriate ESU 10 bank accounts for 2024 since the board officers remained the same; approved the designation of KSB School Law Firm as ESU 10’s legal counsel; approved the current board policies; designated the Grand Island Independent and Kearney Hub as newspapers of record; approved the audit report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; approved the purchase of conference room chairs and tables from Eakes for $114,448.08; accepted the resignation of Kathryn Shelton, Physical Therapist, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 contract year; approved the updated NIS Department job descriptions as presented; entered into executive session to discuss contract negotiations as a strategy session and for the protection of the public interest. kch/1/16/24

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, and Mary Stoltenberg. Board member Ron Tuttle was absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated December 18, 2023; accepted treasurer’s report dated December 13, 2023; approved the hiring of Callie Kalb, 1.0 FTE Teaching and Learning Office Associate, effective December 20, 2023, and Val Galvan, 0.16 FTE Speech Language Pathologist, effective November 30, 2023; accepted the resignation of Kellee Vodehnal, Early Childhood MTSS Coordinator, effective at the end of her contract; and approved the administrator’s annual evaluation.  kch/12/20/23

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, November 20, 2023, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Karen Harmoney, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board members Dale Naprstek and Esther Rickert were absent. Action taken was as follows: excused absent board members; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated November 20, 2023; accepted treasurer’s report dated November 15, 2023; approved the 2024-2025 ESU 10 Calendar; and accepted the resignation of Heather Smallcomb, T&L Office Associate, effective November 10, 2023.

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, October 16, 2023, at 3:30 PM. Board members present included Karen Harmoney, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board members Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Dale Naprstek, and Teresa Osborn were absent. Action taken was as follows: approved agenda; excused absent board members Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Dale Naprstek, and Teresa Osborn; approved minutes of the previous meeting; approved payment of claims dated October 16, 2023; accepted treasurer’s report dated October 11, 2023; approved the annual accreditation compliance report; approved the hiring of Ben Ritter, 1.0 FTE, NIS Systems Engineer, effective October 16, 2023.  kch/10/17/2023

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, September 18, 2023, immediately following the adjournment of public budget hearings which convened at 3:30 PM. Board members present were Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Karen Harmoney was absent. Action taken was as follows: approved agenda; excused absent board member; approved minutes of the previous meeting; authorized payment of claims as submitted; accepted September 13, 2023, treasurer’s report; approved the 2023-24 proposed budget of expenditures totaling $18,360,312.01 (all funds) and receipts totaling $23,860,312.01 (all funds and including beginning balances); set the general fund real and personal property tax request for 2023-24 at $3,869,631.72; approved 2023-24 Special Education Services Contracts with Grand Island Public Schools and Burwell Public Schools; approved the hiring of Rustin Harms, 1.0 FTE Helpdesk Support Specialist; approved the final reading of policy amendments as presented; accepted the resignations of Sue Klein, Early Childhood Office Associate, effective September 7, 2023, and Jeff Robinson, Helpdesk Support Specialist, effective September 29, 2023; declared furniture items in the warehouse as surplus items; and recognized the ESU 10 Education Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for nonsupervisory certificated staff for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 contract years   kch/09/25/23

The regular monthly meeting of the governing board of Educational Service Unit 10 was held at ESU 10 in Kearney on Monday, August 21, 2023, at 3:30 PM. Board members present were Marilyn Bohn, Kay Grimminger, Dale Naprstek, Teresa Osborn, Mark Reid, Esther Rickert, Mary Stoltenberg, and Ron Tuttle. Board member Karen Harmoney was absent. Action taken was as follows: approved agenda; excused absent board member Karen Harmoney; approved minutes of the previous meeting; ratified payment of claims made on June 30, 2023; ratified payment of claims made on July 17, 2023; approved payment of claims dated August 21, 2023; accepted treasurer’s reports dated June 30, 2023, July 12, 2023, and August 16, 2023; approved the resignation of Emily Smith, EDN Services Coordinator, effective July 31, 2023; moved to accept any and all federal funds as may become available during the 2023-24 fiscal year provided acceptance of such funds and subsequent expenditure of such funds does not exceed the 2023-24 budget limitations as adopted; moved to maintain membership in the Nebraska Rural Community School Association for 2023-24; moved to increase the budgeted restricted funds by 1%; approved the hiring of Annastashia Teepe, School Psychologist, 1.0 FTE, effective August 2, 2023; Erica Tobey, EDN Services Coordinator, 1.0 FTE, effective September 5, 2023; and Kaylee Harris, part-time Early Childhood Office Associate, effective September 5, 2023, all pending background checks; approved the first reading of amendments to policies as presented; approved the 2023-24 classified and certified handbooks; approved transition activities for Emily Elgert, Amber Bendig, and Chris Denton as presented at the board meeting; approve the purchase of switches as presented by Ron Cone at the meeting from Prime for up to $21,500; and approved a 48-month contract with Eakes for copying services.  kch/08/22/23

The Board of Directors is a member of the following organizations and associations and pays the corresponding amounts as dues to each organization or association:

  • Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) – annual dues $980
  • Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association (NRCSA) – annual dues $850
  • Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce – annual dues $375
  • Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA) – annual dues paid by ESUCC

The Board of Directors does not pay any fees to any individual lobbyist or lobbying firm.

This information will be updated periodically.