As many of our surrounding districts commit to fostering inclusive learning environments where all students, regardless of ability, can thrive; inclusion has become a core value that informs instructional practices, professional development, and strategic planning. By promoting an inclusive school culture, districts ensure that every student receives equitable access to high-quality education.
Strong Tier 1 instruction is the foundation for ensuring all students succeed. The focus of strong core instruction centers on the 4 Key Resources from The New Teacher Project’s research conducted and published in The Opportunity Myth (September 2018) . This report identified 4 resources that, if all students have consistent exposure to, will make them College and Career Ready by the time they graduate from high school.
Those 4 key resources are:
Grade Appropriate Assignments
Deep Engagement
High Expectations
Strong Instruction
By centering professional development around these 4 areas, districts can strengthen core instruction within Tier 1.
In addition to beefing up Tier 1 instruction, districts have also begun to consider the layering of support for students who are not making progress, through the idea of Core Plus More. Utilizing core curriculum, high quality instructional materials, and research based instructional strategies, students can receive Tier 2 support,
while still engaging with grade level standards and curriculum. This has become the work of inclusion.
The Core Plus More model is designed to provide students with exposure to core instruction, but also access targeted supports as needed. The model includes:
Strengthening core curriculum implementation while ensuring rigorous and engaging instruction for all.
Providing structured interventions for students who require additional support.
Expanding enrichment opportunities to challenge and extend learning for advanced students.
Utilizing data to refine instruction and provide timely interventions.
By emphasizing inclusion, enhancing Tier 1 supports, and implementing Core Plus More—our districts are working towards a stronger, more academically equitable educational ecosystem. These efforts will ensure that every student receives the support they need to reach their full potential.