On December 7th we hosted 20 ESU 10 schools at the Elementary Science Olympiad. 183 4th-6th grade students participated in 6 events led by ESU 10, Ag in the Classroom, UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the NE Game and Park. Students from Amherst, Ansley, Broken Bow, Burwell, Central Valley, Cozad, Elm Creek, Gibbon, Litchfield, Loup City, 1-R-Northwest, St. Libory-Northwest, Meadowlark-Kearney, Ord, Pleasanton, Riverside, Sargent, SEM, St. Paul and Paxton attended on December 7th.
Due to weather conditions we postponed the Kearney Public Schools and Grand Island Public Schools Elementary Science Olympiad date until February 24th, 2023. 196 3rd-5th grade students from KPS and GIPS in February.
UNK’s Kappa Delta Pi had 16 volunteered to support us in bringing this opportunity to our schools. Kappa Delta Pi is an organization at UNK to help support future teachers. You can find images from ESO at: https://esu10.org/news/photo-gallery/2022-elementary-science-olympiad.
On March 14, 2023 we had over 520 competing students from 23 Nebraska schools attend the ESU 10 Regional Science Olympiad competition held at the University of Nebraska, Kearney. Students competed in design events such as Roller Coaster, Storm the Castle, Wheeled Vehicle – all of which tests the students’ engineering skills. We also host many test events such as Anatomy & Physiology, Astronomy, Environmental Chemistry, Forestry - which test the students’ science knowledge on a variety of topics.
Participating schools from Middle School and Senior High levels include Arcadia, Axtell, Brady, Cambridge, Central Valley, Centura, Doniphan-Trumbull, Elm Creek, Gibbon, Grand Island Northwest, Gothenburg, Hayes Center, Hemingford, Kearney, Loup City, Ogallala, Ord, Paxton, Ravenna, Riverside, SEM, South Platte, and St. Paul.
Division B (gr. 6-9) Team Results:
- Gothenburg
- Arcadia
- Ravenna
- Cambridge
- Paxton
- Elm Creek
Division C (gr. 9-12) Team Results:
- Kearney
- Ravenna
- Centura
- Gothenburg
- Cambridge
- Loup City
If you want to learn more about the ESU 10 Regional Science Olympiad check out our website and view the photo gallery at: https://esu10.org/news/photo-gallery/2023-science-olympiad. I want to thank our ESU 10 staff, coaches, State Science Olympiad Director, and the University of Nebraska-Kearney for there continued support of the ESU 10 Regional Science Olympiad!
Ninety-one students from 7 districts joined us at Educational Service Unit 10 on April 26th, 2023 for STEMfest. STEMfest is a culminating event to share the process and products or prototype student groups used to design a solution to an authentic problem in their school or community. STEMfest is a project based design thinking challenge where students are given choice in what and how to produce products (tangible product, digital work, or an experience) to develop solutions to authentic problems. You can find images from the day at: https://esu10.org/news/photo-gallery/2023-stemfest.
This year Elm Creek, Gibbon, Kearney-Meadowlark, Ravenna, Riverside, Sargent, and Broken Bow brought completed projects. We divided the students and judges into 3 groups, The Makers, The Innovators, and The Visionaries. Sarah Essay, Jason Everett, and I are excited to continue to grow STEMfest and support students in solving authentic problems in their school or community!
The winning projects…
- The Eco Pad by Broken Bow
- School Compost Bin by Sargent
- Care for the Child by Broken Bow
- Wire Positioning Tool by Ravenna
- The Board Slider by Broken Bow
- Sugar Can Stop Global Warming by Gibbon
- Cranes for Courage and Care by Riverside
- The Four for the Disabled Ramp by Riverside
- Non Vapors by Gibbon
Visit https://www.smore.com/6yumx to see the Save the Date for next years student activities. We look forward to another year of phenomenal events in 2023-2024!