Rick Love  

Rick Love Rick Love has served ESU10 for 24 years as the Transition Coordinator. Rick works to give his students with disabilities opportunities to transition from being a student to adulthood by bridging work experiences with area businesses.

After many years of dedicated service working with students with disabilities and their families, Rick has chosen to retire at the end of his current contract (June 2021). When asked what he looks forward to in retirement, he wrote,

“RELAX for a LONG TIME! Fish, garden, play with grandkids, my two cocker spaniels and travel to the mountains with my lovely wife.”

Rick is dedicated and loyal to his family, just as he has been in his work.

When Rick was posed the question about his favorite memory during his years of service, he said,

“Lots of memories. Being around all the people and working with all the different students.”

Travelling and working with people does generate a lot of memories. ESU10 and the districts within, do have great people for sure!

When I think about Rick and his work, I think of this quote:

“Educating your mind without educating your heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle

Rick has one of the biggest hearts. He definitely put his heart into his work, and it shows when he wrote about his biggest success while serving ESU10:

“My Vocational Cooperative grew and grew. I now serve 27 schools in the ESU10 region. I thoroughly enjoyed setting up work-sites in communities and getting a chance to talk to businesses and letting them know that allowing young people to get a chance to come in and work during part of a student's school day was a win-win for everyone.”

When you serve as many years to a profession as Rick has, I think it is important to let them know what they meant to us and to convey how appreciative we are for their years of service. With one person’s voice, I do not think it can be communicated effectively. Here is what his colleagues had to say:

“Rick has been a good advocate for students. He has spent his vocational career working with students to provide many opportunities to reach their potential. He has worked hard to set up job sites and experiences to ensure success after graduation. Kids that he worked with recognize his efforts and respect his example. He still visits with former students and continues to be interested in their success. Rick has always been supportive of activities in the Cozad Center. He shows the same concern and care for his co-workers as he does with his students. His presence will be missed here at the Cozad Center. We wish him all the best in his retirement as he enjoys fishing and time spent with grandkids.” -Rhonda Schroeder and Jeri Johnson

I’m not the only one who thinks he has a big heart!! He will definitely be missed.

Often, people who retire never get the chance to say what they want to everyone they have worked with. I wanted Rick to have an opportunity to say something if he wanted. He wrote:

“I continue to be inspired by ESU10's vision and the people in the schools I served. I worked hard to keep up that commitment to excellence and the commitment to help students with disabilities. Watching them grow and transition from school into whatever they wanted to be kept me working all those years.”

You set a path for many students, Rick. Your loyalty to the program is appreciated.

“Rick, the ESU 10 Special Education Department would like to thank you for your many years of service. We appreciate your commitment to secondary transition, the districts you serve, and the resource teachers and students whom you guide and support. We will miss your dedication, knowledge, and witty sense of humor. Personally, I am proud to call you a colleague and grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know you. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. Enjoy this next season of your life because you deserve it! Thank you for your contributions to education and to ESU10.” -Erica Johnson, Assistant Special Education Director

Thank you, Rick. As Erica pointed out, ESU10 appreciates you and wishes you the very best in your retirement.

- Chris Struebing
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