Blended Learning: Resources & Technology  

Blended Learning:  Resources & Technology

As you can see from the reports from Peg and Jami, Blended Learning support entails many facets including Preparation and Planning, and Coaching. We have also been focusing on Professional Development, Networking, and Technology and Resources for districts involved with Blended Learning. I’d like to share a little about what the Technology and Resources part of this looks like.

A few years back, Dr. Bell made an investment in Bright Bytes to collect valuable data about where schools were in the process of using technology to help drive the learning process. As a result, schools are able to put resources where they need them and assess professional development needs for staff. Our working partnership with Bright Bytes and the schools has helped drive the initiative and individualize support, focus and resources for schools.

As you may know, the Bright Bytes platform breaks down survey data into four domains: Classroom, Access, Skills, and Environment. In each of these domains we can drill down to specific data points that support these areas. While they neatly spell out CASE, I’m going to mix up the order to better define how schools implement Blended Learning.
Environment - District leaders are developing policies, practices and procedures to implement technology initiatives in their schools. They are also providing the supports needed for successful implementation.

Access - School’s access is outstanding. Students and staff generally have the devices and connectivity they need in this interconnected online environment. They also have access to the digital content and platforms to springboard them to these online opportunities.

Skills - Teachers and students have the skills needed in most areas to have productive learning experiences. Through the survey, teachers indicated they would like more professional development in multimedia, classroom management, and the use of digital tool for online critical thinking and collaboration.

Classroom - We continue to provide classroom integration and professional development to support teachers and students in this area. Districts have the option to participate in Atomic Learning, workshops, conferences, social networking opportunities and more to bolster their use of technology and Blended Learning opportunities in the classroom.

In all these areas the T&L and the Blended Learning Team are providing insights and supports to schools to help them grow in the areas they feel are most important to them.

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