In recognition that all children have special needs, ESU 10 offers High Ability Learner consultation to help create awareness and to develop teaching strategies that enable high ability learners to reach their potential.
Program Goals
To promote and provide information and resources to parents, educators, and the community about specific needs and educational experiences necessary and appropriate for the high ability learner.
To promote continuous improvement of quality education for all children by development of differentiated curriculum.
To promote experiences and opportunities for the high ability student.
To assist local school districts in complying with Rule 3 guidelines and procedures.
Services Offered
Services related to the high ability learner are available, upon request, to ESU10 school districts.
MATERIALS - Materials related to high ability learners are available for checkout through the ESU10 media library.
CONSULTATION - Consultative services are available, upon request, to local school boards, committees, administrators, or teachers on issues related to high ability learners and/or needs of high ability students.
IN-SERVICE/WORKSHOPS - Either awareness or strategy training is available to requesting schools. Some workshop topic would be particularly suitable for districts who are in the beginning stages of implementing a program. Other topics are designed to be a support to those school districts that have already developed programs.
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - Activities centered around the students such as Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad and STEMfest are offered each year.
STATE CONFERENCE - Members of the ESU 10 HAL consortium can be selected to have their registration paid for to the Nebraska Associated for the Gifted Conference in February.
The High Ability Learner (HAL) Consortium consists of schools who have pooled their high ability learner funds to better serve the needs of their high-ability students. These schools may receive no charge or discounted charge for services offered including consultations, assistance, in-services, student activities and workshops focused on HAL.
For further assistance regarding your HAL students or if your school district would like to join the HAL Consortium contact Dallas Lewandowski.