Academic Literacy Project 2.0 Day 1 (YEAR 1 SERIES)  

This is a 3 Day Series for YEAR 1 ALP.  Register for each day separately.
September 19, 2023: Engagement + Learning Walks/Collective Efficacy
November 15, 2023: Vocabulary + Comprehension Part 1
February 21, 2024: Comprehension Part 2 + Text Discussion

Established in 2011 and revitalized in 2020, the Academic Literacy Project (ALP) seeks to help teachers in all content areas in grades 4-12 utilize evidence-based, highly effective strategies to increase engagement, vocabulary, comprehension, and discussion strategies in their classrooms. Teachers will walk away from each training with strategies they can integrate into their classes immediately to make a difference in improving literacy instruction.

Who might want to attend Year 1 Training:

    -Teachers in any content area, grades 4-12
    -Teachers in their second year of teaching or later
    -Teachers interested in increasing engagement or literacy strategies
    -Teachers at schools with reading comprehension school improvement goals
    -Teachers at schools interested in engaging in increasing collective efficacy through learning walks
Administrators who want to learn best practices in improving literacy school-wide

In this interactive Day 1 training, participants will learn engagement strategies that make a difference in increasing student motivation and interaction. Using strategies from Corwin’s Visible Learning research, participants will examine how to improve behavioral, cognitive, and emotional engagement.

This workshop is focused on providing strategies for teachers in grades 4-12; however, teachers in grades K-3 may attend with the understanding that individual teacher problem-solving will be required to make the strategies effective in the younger grades. For specific reading strategies for younger grades including how to teach students to read, teachers in grades K-3 are encouraged to attend LETRS trainings, which teachers may register for in the spring by contacting their administrator and ESU 10 LETRS facilitators.
Sarah Essay, Claudine Kennicutt, Denise O'Brien, Theresa Ritta-Olson
ESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing
September 19, 2023      9:00 AM       3:00 PM  
4-12 Teachers
No, this section can NOT be taken via distance learning.
Yes, lunch is provided.
No, student support is NOT enabled for this section.
No, this section can NOT be taken for college credit.

Title IIA and Title IV Consortium schools will receive $125 substitute reimbursement for each eligible teacher. 

Registration deadline is two weeks prior to workshop. 

Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance will be billed the workshop fee.