Music Workshop   

Cody Talarico, NDE Fine Arts Education Specialists, will facilitate the day’s workshop providing professional development for music teachers. The specific topics will be determined at a later time.
Kelly Simmons
ESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing
January 31, 2024      9:00 AM       3:00 PM  
K-12 Music Educators
No, this section can NOT be taken via distance learning.
Yes, lunch is provided.
No, student support is NOT enabled for this section.
No, this section can NOT be taken for college credit.
ESU 10 Title IV eligible teachers will receive $125 substitute reimbursement for attending. 

Note:  Subject to change based on available funds.

Registration deadline is two weeks prior to workshop.  Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance will be billed the workshop fee.