Empowered To Choose  

Join us at ESU 10 for a professional learning day with Andrew Easton, an experienced educator and an expert in personalized learning. Backed by over 15 years of experience in this area, Easton brings a new lens through which teachers can view the role of learner choice, leveraging it to teach students how to own their approach to learning. Easton shares practical examples from the classroom and provides relevant supporting materials that educators can immediately implement to enhance their support of students, so don't miss out on this opportunity to learn new ways to empower your students to choose! 

Dianah Steinbrink
ESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing
October 17, 2023      9:00 AM       3:00 PM  
HAL Coordinators, classroom teachers, and administrators
No, this section can NOT be taken via distance learning.
Yes, lunch is provided.
No, student support is NOT enabled for this section.
No, this section can NOT be taken for college credit.

Title IV Consortium School participants are eligible for Substitute Reimbursement pay

Registration deadline is two weeks prior to workshop.  Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance will be billed the workshop fee.