#EveryoneCanCreate...And Should!  

#EveryoneCanCreate...And Should!

Have you every heard the phrases, “I’m not good at math”, “I hate reading”, “I’m not a very good writer”, “I can’t draw to save my life”, “I’m not very musical”, or something similar. Maybe you’ve said them yourself! However, I bet you’d identify with something you ARE good at. Maybe you are good with your hands. Maybe you love to organize parties and people. Maybe you can throw a football 100 yards! Whatever it may be, you have a “talent”, and it’s a combination of talents that make you uniquely you.

As Howard Garner MI (Multiple Intelligences) theory points out, there are 9 intelligences we all have in varying degrees. (http://tiny1.us/ecc01 )(For clarification, there were seven original, one added, and one that is still being debated.) So the nine intelligences include the following:
1.  Naturalistic
2.  Musical
3.  Logical-Mathematical
4.  Existential
5.  Interpersonal
6.  Body-Kinesthetic
7.  Linguistic
8.  Intra-personal
9.  Spatial

As you are reviewing this list, you probably see some of these are you good at, and some that you may struggle with. There are tons of tests out there you can take to determine where you fall. (Here is one at Edutopia: http://tiny1.us/ecc02 )

So why do I mention this as it relates to the title “#EveryoneCanCreate” or what impact this has as educators? I mention this because creativity matters! Each of us as a unique way to express our creativity through one of these MI outlets. Someone strong in linguistics may love to read or write or talk about a topic. Someone with strong logical intelligence may like to reason or experiment. Someone that is strong in Inter-personal intelligence would probably like to share, teach, and collaborate. You get the picture! Everyone has their OWN intelligence or way they are “smart”.

I suggest we use this knowledge and put it to use by letting students express what they know using the area(s) they are strong in. Einstein said, “Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.” And so we move to a classroom where more students can be judged by what they truly know versus how well they can take a rigid test. I love the idea of choice boards not only to let students show what they know but to increase student ownership in what they are learning. Crystal Hurt shares her version she calls “C.A.R.” or Choose A Response. In her version students read a passage and choose how to respond by either creating a comic, journal entry, caption to an image, infographic, series of questions, one word to capture the essence, a soundtrack, mini movie, or create their own idea. (Example: http://tiny1.us/ecc03 ) This allows students to process the information in a way their minds works.

And this brings us to the idea that #EveryoneCanCreate. We just need to give them the opportunities. This includes not only students but all educators as well. While there are lots of resources for educators, I like the series from Apple Education, Everyone Can Create. (http://tiny1.us/ecc04 ) It includes products, tools, and curriculum to help teachers and students incorporate creativity in the classroom. The Teacher Guide provides tons of ideas to incorporate creative projects into math, language arts, social studies, science, and coding. Whether you are an “Apple school” or use a different platform, the resources are beneficial for any educator.

So how will you add a spark of creativity to your classroom? Will you have your students create a MI profile? How about letting them use a choice board to share what they know? If you have any questions or would like to explore this topic in more depth, please feel free to contact us!

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