Zoom Series: Leading Nebraska Continuous Improvement  

Join this one hour Zoom session to get connected to NDE’s new model and resources for leading Nebraska Continuous Improvement.  There are four sessions in this Zoom series.   

Connection information will be provided once you have registered.  

4 Session Series:
Nov. 10th - What’s New With Nebraska Continuous Improvement?
Jan. 12th - Connecting to Resources
Feb. 9th - Action Planning
March 9th - Utilizing Data

Kim Jonas, Denise O'Brien, Kelly Simmons, Amy Walters
November 10, 2022      3:00 PM       4:00 PM  
Administrators & Teacher Leaders
No, this section can NOT be taken via distance learning.
No, lunch is NOT provided.
No, student support is NOT enabled for this section.
No, this section can NOT be taken for college credit.